Photography workshops

Take part in a photography workshop or a photo trip
Want to take a course in photography and learn more about macro, nature and landscape photography? Depending on your prior knowledge, you can choose which photography workshop suits your needs best or which of my photo trips you would like to take part in.

A course in photography with a personal touch
I deliberately limit the number of participants for my photography workshops and photo trips. This allows me to address your specific interests and deal with them in-depth. I will always phone or email in advance and try to find out exactly what you want and expect from my photography workshop or photo trips. Group workshop are given in Dutch. Private English workshops are available on request.

Bart helping photographer
Baraque fraiture vanuit de lucht
Mistige Lesse vanuit de lucht

VIDEOCURSUS: De ultieme introductie tot dronefotografie

Je kocht een drone, maar zit nog met veel vragen. Of je overweegt er een aan te schaffen, maar twijfelt over het type en de mogelijkheden? In deze uitgebreide videocursus met maar liefst 4 uur lesmateriaal geef ik alle antwoorden: van aankoop en wetgeving tot instellingen, compositie en nabewerking. Maar ik leer je vooral om meer sfeer te brengen in je luchtbeelden: want de ene dronefoto is de andere niet. 

Woman photographing


The perfect gift for a photographer? Look no further, it’s here! By gifting your friends or family a voucher for a photography workshop of their choice, you will be giving them a unique experience. A day out with personal guidance or a photography trip with other enthusiastic like-minded photographers? You choose which photographic adventure the recipient will go on. Ordered today, delivered tomorrow.